The NYF/CIA football team continues to participate in tournaments around the country.

Native Nexus: Connecting Careers

Girl CIA NFL network tour

Native youth foundation MMA Workshop at dream, the impossible youth event

Soboba foundations donation to NYF

The last women’s self-defense class that NYF held

Guest speakers at NYF dinner and brew fundraiser, including from left to right is Bonnie-Jill Laffin, Keith Vasquez, Tyler Jones, Cameron, Lynch, and Shiloh LeBeau

CIA girls high school flag football team at the Rams tournament also for the dinner and brew event

Table Sponsors: Edward Jones, George, Pojas and family, Roof King and Roselyn Spencer and family

May 9, 2024 – NYF has also participated in SCTCA feather ceremony for native graduates

NYF presented three $500 scholarships to local high school graduates:

  • Shawnee Ramos – San Manuel
  • Teagan Stalcup – Santa Ysabel
  • Miali Guachino – Pala

NYF Presents: Boxing Clinic

Meet and Greet

NYF CIA football 1 & 2

We were honored to present two scholarships at the Southern California Tribal Chairman’s Association Graduation Ceremony on May 12 at Harrah’s Rincon.

Supported Indigenous Athletes 7 on 7 Football – January through May, 2022

Free Beginner Self-Defense Seminar 08/21/21

August 8, 2021 Native Surf Camp

June 20, 2020 – Supported the Peon Games on San Pasqual Reservation

June 6, 2020, Supported Natives in Recovery Golf Tournament

Feb 15, 2020 Seminar